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Distracted driving penalties increase in Ontario

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Distracted driving penalties increase in Ontario

Motorists beware, Ontario has implemented steep new fines designed to deter distracted drivers.

Under the old legislation distracted driving fines ranged from $60-$500, now under the newly implemented legislation fines will increase to $500-$1000, plus three demerit points.

It is important for all drivers to understand how dangerous distracted driving is and how easily looking down to check a text can turn into an accident with irreversible results. By texting and driving you are not just endangering yourself as the driver, but also your passengers, other motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

Please be mindful of those around you when you are on the road. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorists all play a role in keeping the roads safe for everyone. Don’t text and drive.
For more information or to get a car insurance quote, contact your PV&V broker today!

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